Yesterday we attended the "get your documents/ and find out what to expect" meeting for our latest trip--THE GREEK ISLES and Croatia.
Looks like there will be about 18 Bwd folks traveling on this trip and we will be joined by others from all over the US to make a traveling group of about 42 or so.
We leave Bwd at 6:30am May 1 and travel by bus to DFW where we catch a plane to JFK in New York. Not much time in NY to make it to the international terminal for our trip to Milan. The domestic portion of the flight is 4 hrs, the second portion will be 7 hrs.. From Bwd to Milan, Italy will be 16 hours (actual time) altho' we gain 8 hours by flying across the Atlantic. For example, 12 noon in Brownwood will be 8pm the same day. This does take some getting used to.
The 7 days we spend on the cruise ship in the Mediterranean island hopping to Bari, Italy--Katakalon, Greece--Santorini and Mykonos--Rhodes--and Dubrovnik, Croatia will be very different for us. Not quite sure how this will work, but I certainly appreciate the fact that we DO NOT HAVE TO PACK AND UNPACK 3-5 times in that time span. The weather is supposed to be between 50 and 70 degrees, so a light jacket will be needed, but not the heavy layers of clothing we packed when we visited Scandinavia.
We are looking forward to this trip and are anxious to experience this new part of the world for us. If you continue to be interested in our adventures, keep checking this site from May 2- May 12. Internet is NOT available in our staterooms, but will be found in an internet cafe on board ship. We'll see. Until later----------------
Not long now and you will be leaving on a jet plane!
"Don't know when I'll be back again. " How about May 13th---
Hi E, hope the trip has been great so far! Will you give my mom a message from me. Let her know that Aunt J. is gradually doing better. Had a better day today and is getting blood pressure med adjusted to the right level; that's why she was so tired when Mom last talked to her. She is off antibiotics and had a better day today. We had a nice talk. Thanks so much for passing the message along. Can't wait to hear about your trip. Have fun!
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