Tuesday night /Wed morning was hard on me and also on N. At 4:30 or so, I woke up with gastric problems. I spent the next 2 hours in the bathroom, tried to get some sleep in between, but with no luck. I showered and got ready for the day about 7, while N had a large breakfast (no lunch today on our side trip); I had tea and toast with a little oatmeal.
We had a tour group meeting at 9 to give us Greek history and language info and when it was over I was feeling much better with the help of a double dose of Imodium. I finally decided I wanted to go (we told the tour director that I wasn’t) and headed out. It was supposed to be lots of walking, but not very strenuous.
Bus trip was about 45 min and we arrived at the archeological site of the first Olympic games. I’ll have to include lots of pictures here, because I can’t begin to describe what we saw. The local guide gave us lots of history and walked us trough the site telling us “this was the gymnasium, this was the Temple of Hera, this is where the torch was lit and carried through all of Greece to announce the games”.
This is where the Track and Field events were held.
Amazing site, which has been “worked” off and on since 1875.
After viewing this wonder we were herded to the museum where the treasures, which have been unearthed, are kept. We saw statues done in various styles (Greek, classical, Roman, etc), of men and women, of centaurs and of animals (lions, bulls, monsters).
What can I say? Amazing! So glad I didn’t miss this trip, even with my grumbly stomach, little sleep and less food in my body—it was very special.
Of course, after leaving the museum, we had to stop at a shopping area where, yes, I did buy 3 items.
We’re back in the room w/ N. napping and I’ll be doing that soon.
Tonite is the Captain’s cocktail party, which I think we’ll pass, and there is music and dancing show at 9:15. We’ll see how I feel.
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