They woke, she ate, she went back to sleep. Not a lot of crying, and carrying on. When she behaves that way, she's called Lovely Lillian, not Princess Thunder Cloud.
We're expecting visitors twice today, so I'll try to get the living room straightened and my blow up bed put away.
N suggested that Lily's nails needed cutting cuz she had scratches on her face. I began trimming (while she was awake--big mistake) and I cut the tip of her R thumb. Blood, blood and more blood. And screaming. We got her quiet and calm, got her to sleep and then I took her out for a walk.
That's enough excitement for one day.
Naps and visitors took up most of the day. A "ready for college" friend of N's and her mother came, brought food for dinner (which we froze) and brought some darlin' "mary Jane" socks. They stayed and talked for about an hour.
The other guest is expected a couple of hours later. Time for Lily to eat, for us to eat and a little nap. The second visitor is a teacher friend who also brought dinner--we'll warm that one up for tonite-- She talked about her grand children possibly moving to Lubbock which makes her sad and a little angry.
We hopped in the car looking for an iPhone cover for me (altho' I bought one on Wed. I plan to take it back on the way home Sat. morning- The one I bought, has NO hole for the camera to take pictures and it is just thick and bulky and not what I want.. Today--didn't find one I like), went to Lily's dr. to get a perscription and stopped at a plant nursery to get some plants for the front flowerbed in BWD. We're back home, Lily is eating and I'll be heating the pork chops up in awhile We're wondering how tonite will go. Will we see Lovely Lillian, or Princess Thunder Cloud? Only time will tell!
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