Tues night/Wed morning was tough. Lily (otherwise known as Princess Thunder Coud) was "cluster feeding" which means demanding to eat every 45 min to an hour. Giving no one any chance to nap.--N was at her wits end about 3 am-- The explanation for this "NEED" at least in the books is a growth spurt is coming and she needs more nourishment in shorter bursts. Really hard on the Mom.
N got some sleep between 5 and 7 and again between 8 and 10. Both are asleep now (3:30 pm)and I hope for a couple of hours.
Earlier today N "needed" to get out of the house, so we went to the bank, to Sam's, to get a milkshake and then home to feed L and get her back to sleep, so N could nap.
We've done 3 loads of laundry and I have some chicken soup cooking. Smells really good. Not sure what else we'll have for supper, but that will be good.
Annie, the cat of the house, is not handling having Lily come to live here. She skulks around, hides in closets, and is generally unfriendly. She and I played the blanket game the first night I was here and she almost seemed her old self. She has never been a lap kitty, so that is not a way to console her. I suppose just as N and B are adjusting, Annie will just have to deal and adjust. Sorry Annie, that's life.
Several groups of folks are scheduled to come visit Lillian tomorrow. I do hope that she behaves tonite, so everyone will get to see her and all of us at our best. Another night like last night, and the visits may be cancelled.
Glad to hear that Bwd got lots of rain today, even if Nick had watered EVERYTHING just before the cloud came.
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